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 Are You A Landlord?

Landlords must be able to provide their tenants with an up-to-date Gas Safety record.​


By law, landlords must have all gas appliances serviced regularly, normally once a year by a Gas Safe registered engineer. The Gas Safe registered engineer will provide a Gas Safety record upon completion of the check.

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01252 837837

we do Landlord Saftey Records

Make sure your landlord is complying with the law​

Your landlord has specific legal responsibilities when it comes to gas safety. Even if a property is only rented for a short time, like holiday accommodation, the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations require your landlord to:​


​• Maintain pipework, appliances and flues provided for your use in a safe condition.

• Carry out a 12 monthly gas safety check on each gas appliance/flue.  A gas safety check will make sure gas fittings and
_appliances are safe to use.

• Provide you with a record of the annual gas safety check within 28 days of the check being completed or if you’re a new
_tenant before you move in. If a property or room is hired out for less than 28 days at a time, it is also permissible for your _landlord to display a copy of the current Landlords Gas Safety Record in a prominent position within the property.

​Buying a new home or a Home owner?

we are only a phone call away

01252 837837

we do Gas saftey checks

Get a Gas Safety Check First.​


What is a gas safety check?​​


A gas safety check involves a Gas Safe registered engineer inspecting your gas appliances. They will check the appliance is working correctly and will check the following four areas:​


​​• Gas appliances are on the right setting and burning correctly with the correct operating pressure​

• Harmful gases are being removed from the appliance safely to the air outside

• That any ventilation routes are clear and working properly

• All the safety devices are working​​


​The check will identify any defects which require remedial work. You should have a gas safety check every year. If you are a landlord this is the law.

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